Andhra government constitutes advisory forum for industrial development

Amravati: Andhra Pradesh Government has set up a 16-member Consultative Forum in partnership with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) to address industry, trade and investment related issues and act as a catalyst to promote investment climate, industrial growth, skills Has been formed. and entrepreneurship development and infrastructure development.
Chaired by Nara Lokesh, Minister of Education, Information Technology (IT), Electronics and Real-Time Governance, the panel will consult, network and establish relationships between various stakeholders in the government and industry.
The Chief Secretary will be the Vice-Chairman of the Consultative Forum, which will have three representatives from CII, Andhra Pradesh State Council. As per the Government Order (GO) issued by the Department of Industries and Commerce, Chairman of CII, AP State Council will be the member convener of the forum.
The Vice President and Secretary of CII, AP State Council will be the members. Principal secretaries of various departments and chief executive officers of Andhra Pradesh Economic Development Board (APEDB) are the members of the panel. The GO mentioned that the establishment of APEDB was an important step towards creating a favorable investment climate by streamlining processes and providing a single point of contact for investors.
It is actively playing the role of a catalyst to promote public and private investment to achieve the goal of becoming the most preferred global destination by 2050. “To fully realize the economic potential of the state and overcome the challenges, the government has decided to enhance it. approach by involving the private sector more directly. For this purpose, it has partnered with CII to create a mentorship platform. “This collaboration aims to leverage the expertise and resources of private enterprises, thereby ensuring a more inclusive and dynamic economic environment,” the GO reads.