Directed by Sukumar, the film serves as a sequel to Pushpa: The Rise and continu...
A heartwarming video of the newlyweds is now making waves on social media, captu...
Speaking on the occasion, Varun Tej said he felt happy for having the darshan of...
Priyanka took to Instagram on Tuesday and shared that they watched their daughte...
A few days ago, Rozlyn shared a video expressing her views on Sidhu and his alle...
The actor clarified that he is not retiring from films, as a major section of th...
Justice S. Sounthar, while hearing the petition filed by the Tamil Film Active P...
The police initiated the probe after receiving intelligence linking Tughlaq to i...
The series will include candid interviews with industry peers, friends, and coll...
The couple is set to embark on a new chapter of their lives with their wedding o...
The former world champion will marry Hyderabad-based Venkata Datta Sai, who is a...
Varma's advocate Rajagopallavan Tayi argues that pictures posted on social media...
As per the Queens District Attorney of New York, Aliya, 43, at 6.20 AM reached t...
The band, which comprises of Adam Levine on vocals, Jesse Carmichael on the keyb...
The film loses momentum midway and feels sluggish.
His Instagram account remains active, and the director has also shared posts on ...